Major initiatives of hope and healing have included Health fares and Medical supplies donations in Cameroon, Preventive health education, diseases and treatment, and adoption of orphans in villages that have never seen a health professioner, and currently linking a pathway for Medical supplies to remote medical facilities in Cameroon( st. john of Gods, Mamfe District,  Manyemen Presbyterian Hospital,  Nchang Rural Health Center. 

By linking resources we mean connecting the resources of caring people and organizations in the developed world and the underprivilege people of African. 
We initiate activities that assist families and communities on diseases and treatment programs, general preventive health education, to enable them sustain a better, and probable longer life expectancy, and in a away achieve self-sufficiency in their daily lives 
CMHF is a not for Profit Charitable and humanitarian organization that carter for health and education in Cameroon by providing and supporting solutions in healthcare.

Our hallmark is linking resources and needs to remote Medical facilities in the African country of Cameroun to help heal, the sick, poor, under privilege and the geographically disadvantage people in these communities. 
By Charitable we mean the provision of needs-based supplies (Medical & Educational) to support the unmet basic needs of families and communities and implement the best tools and strategies for helping people learn and grow. 
For over 8 years, we have been providing preventive education and medical assistance to support  free healthfares to rural areas of Cameroon, and partnering with churches, other non-profit organizations and majors organizations; corporate in kind donors from the United States to support some of the most desperate and devastated families and communities in Cameroon by diseases, and poverty.